Monday, 27 June 2011

Stat U?

Apparently there are 5,000,123,702 statues in Paris, so there you go.

Betty’s new hat and shoulder brooch were the height of Paris Fashion. It was such a pity about the bird shit down her back.

Friends!  Romans!  Countrymen!  Do I look like a complete knob?

Friends! Romans! Countrymen!  Lend me your... high heels and corset

Right!  When Dave gets home, he can deal with these bloody kids!


Anonymous said...

Hey JoJo,
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your adventures with us - I've been reduced to 'giggle fits' on more than one occasion!
You sound as though you're having a blast, which is fabulous.
I look forward to reading your next installment!

Much love, Gina P xx

Helene said...


Do you do tours? I'd be doubled over with laughter the whole way round with you providing your unique commentary.....

Mike Broom said...

Heeheehee!! Roflmfao!!!
... just don't serve hot drinks on your tours!!