Friday, 29 July 2011

PARIS - CITY OF glutton's deLIGHT

To slip plump strawberries,
between my lips, one by one,
to store them in my hungry cheeks
and juice them on my tongue

To rip, like doughy pillows,
warm wads of fresh baguette,
and match it with its soul mate
Chevre cheese, on top, beset

To take the folded crepe in hand,
crafted by the master
To let the chocolate run and ooze
and feel your heart beat faster

A sip of steaming cafè noir
A fresh croissant in hand
Watch the crumbs fall in your lap
and wherever else they land 

To tap the crème brulee on top,
to feel the crack beneath
And glide the spoon through creamy waves
To feel that sweet relief

To lift a toasty champagne glass,
Honeyed bubbles to my lips
To celebrate its perfect taste,
and intoxicating spritz

Richly glazed pistachio tarte
with Raspberries freshly plucked
I’ve put on so much weight, you know,
When I get home I’m Fasting!

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